On-Site or Online Sports Betting?

I had the honor recently to speak at the Spring Conference of the International Masters of Gaming Law held in New Orleans. The conference included two full days of thought-provoking and informative discussions of the most pressing legal issues for the gaming industry worldwide. My panel entitled, “UIGEA, the Wire Act, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and State-Regulated Sports Wagering in the US: can this legal quartet ever be harmonized or is all just jumbled jazz?” included some of the foremost experts in i-gaming, Indian and commercial gaming in the United States. Some of the discussion focused on evaluating what makes the most sense for commercial and Tribal operators – on-site or online sports betting? The psychographic characteristics of the population in markets across the U.S. can greatly influence the potential success of sports betting operations, and can identify where online sports betting may be especially advantageous versus only on-site sports books.
A full copy of the presentation to IMGL can be accessed here: SLeckert.IMGL Presentation.3.28.19
Suzanne P. Leckert, AICP