Project Details
Village of Tinley Park
Market analysis, racetrack casino feasibility, pro forma financial and staffing models, socio-economic impacts
Project Description
CSG served the Village of Tinley Park, Illinois in assessing the potential development of a racetrack casino on a brownfield site located in the center of the municipality. Subsequent to the State of Illinois’ announcement of new casino and racetrack casino licenses, CSG evaluated the northeast Illinois gaming market in terms of competition and its state of transition. Assessed were the feasibility of racetrack operations in Tinley Park, pro forma financial and staffing models for gaming and non-gaming operations, and the socio-economic impacts (jobs, spending and household earnings, as well as fiscal impacts and incremental costs to the local government) that the proposed facilities would provide for the area. For this effort, Carey Loshbaugh, former CFO of the Fairgrounds in New Orleans, Louisiana, provided expert assistance.