Project Details
United States
Market analysis, mobile phone tracking
Project Description
For a confidential client, CSG assessed the potential differences in gaming behavior between ethnic and racial market segments, with a particular focus on the Hispanic market. Highly accurate location-based intelligence (mobile phone tracking data) was used to evaluate the actual visitation to the client’s facilities by demographic segment, which was then compared to the properties’ player databases to identify market segments which are under-penetrated. To do so, CSG partnered with Placer.ai to obtain proprietary and anonymized location data from users’ mobile apps integrated into machine learning, accurately tracking visitation and customer profiles of every location in the United States. With these data, CSG was able to assess the number of visits to each location on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis, with visits segmented by ZIP Code of residence, race, ethnicity, income level, spending pattern, and behavior patterns prior to and after their casino visit. This analysis determined that Hispanic gaming behavior, while only a small share of the tracked play, was a much larger share of actual play, and that Hispanic gaming behavior was not being adequately tracked or rewarded by the players club.
Additionally, CSG evaluated the Hispanic gaming visitation to ten casinos in the Southern California and Arizona markets through the use of this mobile phone tracking data, revealing behavior patterns that could be generalized and applied to developments in not only those states but in markets far afield.